Cutting front piece KZ 20 block knob 90°

In stock - 9 items available
SKU: 312093
Regular price €177,70
Article number 312093
Product name Cutting front piece KZ 20 block button
Kind Cutting front piece Suitable for "Zinser" (KZ20)
Type 0
Description This cutting attachment is standardly designed for acetylene. Use the KZ block acetylene cutting nozzles for this cutting attachment. The cutting oxygen button on the top can be operated properly even when wearing gloves. This cutting front piece with a 20 mm connection must be connected to handle 311077.
Weight 852 grams
Height 89mm
Length 255mm
Width 53mm
Remark The cutting front part is also available for propane. For this purpose, the injector must be adapted to propane and cutting nozzles for propane must be installed. This KZ 20 cutting forend is a high-quality cutting forend with a good price-quality ratio.